Apocalypse World RPG (2nd edition)
What do you do to survive? Lees meer
Apocalypse World is a gritty narrative focused RPG about characters surviving in a post-apocalyptic setting. The apocalypse happened 50 years ago, the nature of the catastrophe is co-created by the players as they build the details of their unique world and find out what their characters do to survive. You’ll play characters with agency and vision: the leader of a bike gang, an untouchable gun lugger, the head of a post-apocalyptic stronghold, and more.
There are no preplanned adventures or settings for Apocalypse World. Instead there are clear agendas and principles to build our own apocalypse and play to find out what happens. The apocalypse is here; visionaries and protectors, battles and bullets, and the world’s psychic maelstrom pressing in at the edge of perception. What are you going to make of what’s left of the world?