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Marvel Champions LCG

Marvel LCG Champions Wolverine Hero
Marvel LCG Champions Wolverine Hero
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Wolverine Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!
Marvel LCG Champions Storm Hero Pack
Marvel LCG Champions Storm Hero Pack
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Storm Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!
Marvel LCG Champions Spider-Ham Hero
Marvel LCG Champions Spider-Ham Hero
This cartoon wonder WHAMs his way into battle in this excellent expansion pack, which showcases Spider-Ham as a pristine playable hero alongside his fifteen scintillating signature cards.
Marvel LCG Champions Sp//dr Hero Pack
Marvel LCG Champions Sp//dr Hero Pack
This high-powered hero suits up for battle in this expansion pack, which introduces SP//dr as a new playable hero along with her seventeen signature cards.
Marvel LCG Champions Phoenix Hero Pack
Marvel LCG Champions Phoenix Hero Pack
Fantasy Flight Games is thrilled to announce the Phoenix Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!
Marvel LCG Champions Nova Hero Pack
Marvel LCG Champions Nova Hero Pack
This cosmic hero rockets into battle in this expansion pack, which introduces Nova as a new playable hero along with his fifteen signature cards.
Marvel LCG Champions Mutant Genesis Expansion
Marvel LCG Champions Mutant Genesis Expansion
As the game’s fifth campaign expansion, Mutant Genesis adds a plethora of classic X-Men characters to the scene, including two new playable heroes!
Marvel LCG Champions Mojomania Scenario
Marvel LCG Champions Mojomania Scenario
Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce MojoMania, a new Scenario Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!
Marvel LCG Champions Ironheart Hero Pack
Marvel LCG Champions Ironheart Hero Pack
This high-tech hero boosts into battle in this expansion pack, which introduces Ironheart as a new playable hero along with her fifteen signature cards.
Marvel LCG Champions Cyclops Hero Pack
Marvel LCG Champions Cyclops Hero Pack
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Cyclops Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!
Fantasy Flight Marvel Champions LCG- Venom Hero Pack
Marvel Champions LCG- Venom Hero Pack
As another member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Venom swings into action in this expansion pack, which introduces Venom as a brand-new playable hero along with his fifteen signature cards.
Fantasy Flight Marvel Champions LCG- The Wrecking Crew Scenario
Marvel Champions LCG- The Wrecking Crew Scenario
The four members of The Wrecking Crew are breaking out of prison, and only you can stop them!