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The Viking Game HNEFATAFL
Hnefatfl - or 'viking chess' - is one of the oldest games in the world.
Hive Pocket
Reisversie van Hive. Inclusief de uitbreidingen: mug (mosquito) en het lieveheersbeestje (Ladybug).
Paco Sako (Vredesschaak) set zwart-wit
Een variant van schaak waarbij de stukken elkaar niet slaan, maar omarmen.
(670016) Schaak/Backgammon Klapcassette 29cm Ingelegd
Schaak- en backgammoncassette, gefineerd hout.
Hive - Pillbug expansion
Hive: The Pillbug is a new pair of tiles that can be added to Hive. The pillbug moves like the queen bee—one space at a time—but it also has a special ability.
Tak- A Beautiful Game (2nd Ed.)
Tak is a two-player abstract strategy game dreamed up by Pat Rothfuss in "The Wise Man's Fear" and made reality by James Ernest. In Tak, players attempt to make a road of their pieces connecting two opposite sides of the board.
Hive speel je met 2 spelers en het doel van het spel is om de bijenkoningin van de tegenstander volledig te omsluiten.
Hive - Mosquito expansion
The Mosquito pieces can be added to a standard Hive set before the start of the game giving each player 12 pieces to play with.
Onitama is a two-player, perfect information abstract game with a random starting set-up. On a 5x5 board, both players start with five pawns on their side, with the main pawn in the middle.
Hive - Ladybug expansion
The expansion consists of two game pieces (one each for the black and for the white player), to be used in addition to the pieces of the base game.
Onitama - Light & Shadow expansion
The third expansion for Onitama, Light and Shadow offers a new way to explore the game by introducing a new type of pawn: the Ninja! Unlike other pawns, the Ninja moves secretly, hidden from your opponent’s view until they are ready to strike…