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- Thousand Year Old Vampire RPG
Thousand Year Old Vampire RPG
Thousand Year Old Vampire is a procedurally operated solo game in which you follow the story of a vampire over the many centuries of their existence, making choices and answering Prompts to create a unique story. Follow the guiding Prompts and the vampire
Renegade Studios Alice is Missing RPG
Alice is Missing RPG
Alice is Missing is a silent role playing game about the disappearance of Alice Briarwood, a high school junior in the sleepy Norther California town of Silent Falls. During the game, players use their phones to send text messages to each other as they un
Cephalofair Games Gloomhaven - Jaws of the Lion
Gloomhaven - Jaws of the Lion
Jaws of the Lion is het kleine broertje van nummer 1 op boardgamegeek, Gloomhaven. De makkelijke set-up en goede tutorial maken de 25 missies toegankelijker, zodat je sneller kan beginnen met spelen.
Oink Games Scout
Poach your opponents artists and outdo each other's circus shows.
Alley Cat Games Tinderblox
Tinderblox sets players in a campfire setting, where each player will attempt to grow the fire! But watch out! Place the blocks badly and you burn down the camp.
WGG Everdell (NL)
Everdell (NL)
Everdell is een dynamisch bouw- en worker placementspel; leuk voor families en veelspelers!
999 Games De Kwakzalvers van Kakelenburg
De Kwakzalvers van Kakelenburg
Tactisch “bagbuildingspel”. Trek ingrediënten uit je eigen, in de loop van het spel zelf samengestelde, voorraadbuidel totdat je denkt dat je drank perfect is. Maar stop op tijd: een paar knalerwten en de hele drank ontploft.
Catch Up Games CuBirds (NL)
CuBirds (NL)
Cubirds is een snel en opvallend kaartspel waarbij spelers verschillende soorten vogels moeten verzamelen.
Stonemaier Viticulture Essential Edition
Viticulture Essential Edition
In Viticulture, the players find themselves in the roles of people in rustic, pre-modern Tuscany who have inherited meager vineyards. Be the most succesfull!
Greater Than Games Spirit Island- Jagged Earth expansion (EN)
Spirit Island- Jagged Earth expansion (EN)
A major expansion to the award-winning cooperative settler-destruction strategy game!
Stonemaier Scythe
Scythe is an engine-building game set in an alternate-history 1920s period, that combines beautiful artwork with wonderful gameplay.
Greater Than Games Spirit Island (EN)
Spirit Island (EN)
Spirit Island is a complex and thematic cooperative game about defending your island home from colonizing Invaders, controlling different Island Spirits.